The hippotherapy course is over.

With the support of our Foundation, Nazar and Bogdan received another course of hippotherapy.

Thanks to this method, boys are observed:

  • decreased hyperactivity,
  • improving self-control;
  • improvement of speech development,
  • understanding instructions and social norms,
  • increase in active vocabulary

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders is a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders that have a diverse etiology, but are characterized by common symptoms associated with impaired social interaction, communication and behavior (in particular, stereotypes and limited actions or interests).

Benefits of hippotherapy in the rehabilitation of children with autism:

  • the hippotherapy method combines physical and psycho-emotional rehabilitation with training in social, communication, cognitive and speech skills;
  • the method is safe for children and has no side effects - it is not contraindicated. The unified protocol for providing assistance to children with autism (order of the Ministry of Health of 15.06.2015 No. 341); 
  • the positive effect of physical rehabilitation methods on speech, cognitive functions, and behavior in children with ASD has been proven (V.I. Kozyavkin, 2015 - the results of observation of 385 children with ASD who received treatment under the system of intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation); the evidence base for the effectiveness of hippotherapy is increasing every year - the number of studies in foreign countries is growing.

During the rehabilitation of children with ASD, the following are carried out:

- training of speech skills;

- training in communication skills;

- training of social skills and self-control, the formation of a motivational sphere.

Boys learn and learn new communication and self-regulation skills every day.

Thanks to the continuous work of specialists and the colossal efforts of parents, they become more open and expand their range of interests.

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