Birthday. Svetlana Panayiotidi
Birthday. Svetlana Panayiotidi

Birthday. Svetlana Panayiotidi

The project is carried by
Started: 09.10.2023
Totally raised
441841.0 UAH
Total goal
441841.00 UAH
20.12.2023 09:54
Project has been implemented with balance of funds ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! As a result of the implementation of this project, the Operator of help informs us about the balance of funds in the amount of UAH 18 559. In this regard, we ask donors who have supported this project …
15.11.2023 14:21
Help for Denis Volkov ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Help for Denis Volkov
Одразу після народження у Дениса виявили шуми в серці. При обстеженні у кардіолога поставили діагноз - вроджена вада серця. Кожного року родина проходила чергове обстеження та очікувала, що хірургічне втручання Ден…
03.11.2023 18:10
"I am really disappointed that my birthday is only once a year," Svetlana Panaiotidi. ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
"I am really disappointed that my birthday is only once a year," Svetlana Panaiotidi.
This year, Svetlana and her friends and family raised UAH 460 thousand to help children with heart defects. The families of these young patients are unable to purchase heart implants for heart surgery on their own.…
20.10.2023 11:20
Curious Bohdan likes to play soccer with his brothers ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Curious Bohdan likes to play soccer with his brothers
Chornovolyuk Bohdan Valentynovych, born on 23.04.2017, from Vinnytsia region. When he was one and a half years old, doctors diagnosed him with an open arterial duct. Since then, the boy has been under medical super…
20.10.2023 09:57
Kira's dreams are a healthy heart and the end of the war ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Kira's dreams are a healthy heart and the end of the war
Lebedynchenko Kira Serhiivna, born on September 07, 2013, from the city of Dnipro. Congenital heart disease - secondary atrial septal defect. Together with her brother, the girl was born on the 35th week of preg…
Charity donation
12.10.2023 15:50
1641.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2023 15:40
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2023 15:00
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2023 14:52
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2023 14:50
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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