World Standards
World Standards

World Standards

The project is carried by
Started: 21.02.2014
Totally raised
9001.0 UAH
Total goal
9001.00 UAH

What is left to a person with cancer who has not been instituted therapy for several months because no diagnosis was made? Realizing the necessity of defining diagnoses and starting therapy quickly, we ask you to help provide the Pathological Anatomy Department of National Cancer Institute with equipment for modern methods of diagnosing.

What does the treatment of cancer consist in? First you need to understand what (which forms of tumors) they are going to treat. And then it will be clear what kind of chemotherapy and treatment protocol should be used. So it is necessary to properly define a diagnosis which is determined by histology and immunohistochemistry. However, there are cases when these two methods fail to clarify the situation.

The Pathohistology Department of the National Cancer Institute needs CISH – detection technology of genetic tumor markers. In some cases of ambiguous histological and immunohistochemical responses, it allows you to define a diagnosis, to identify groups of risk, to predict tumor sensitivity to therapy. For these purposes, we need a hybridizer and vortex.

The facility is to be provided with equipment of such level by the State; it is necessary to provide assistance of appropriate level. Realizing this, the Pathological Anatomy Department has prepared all the required documents for receiving the state deliveries of this equipment. Several months of paperwork and our professors succeeded, though they take hard deception and sense of futility of the work done. After being deceived on the state level, some wanted to retire…

Charitable Organization “Childhood Cancer Foundation Crab” requests to help raise funds for a hybridizer. The total amount of fundraising is 370 760 UAH, but on we are going to raise a part of the required amount.

ID: 864
Charity donation
09.11.2016 18:46
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.10.2016 15:38
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.09.2016 21:12
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.09.2016 18:26
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.08.2016 19:42
5.00 UAH
All donors

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