Dancing phoenix
Dancing phoenix

Dancing phoenix

The project is carried by
Started: 24.06.2017
Totally raised
47251.17 UAH
Total goal
47251.17 UAH

At 15, Nadia Korniienko weighs only 32 kg with a height of 140 cm. Her body is curved in the form of a question mark. These are the consequences of abnormal scoliosis of the 7th degree, which, unfortunately, is rapidly progressing. So quickly that to date, Nadia has only six months: if during this time there will not be an operation on the spine, then no one will be able to help her. Without surgery, the girl will not live more than a year and a half or two.

From early childhood, a huge hump prevents it to breathe and move normally. Nadia is an outlet – dance class. Here Nadia is not shy about her appearance, she can wear a shiny suit, Phoenix bird and imagine being a famous dancer. But today Nadia may not afford even this small joy. She comes to dance class only to see how the other girls are rehearsing. Her health dramatically deteriorated. Hoping to help his beloved daughter the girl's parents sold the apartment and paid for the expensive operation, which took place in Cyprus. But then Nadia came back in a wheelchair, which could not stand six months. Ukrainian doctors have put the girl on her feet, but... she can not dance now.

It is difficult for her to stand and walk, any physical strain causes severe pain. And yet she does not complain and, in spite of everything, she hopes. Recently, Nadia and her mother went to Istanbul for examination. There, the doctors issued a verdict: without an operation, the girl had only two years left to live. To make Nadia's dream come true, we need money for a costly operation in the ACIBADEM HOSPITAL. The operation itself costs $ 90,000, but the girl still needs to be prepared for the operation and after her, Nadia will still be under the care of doctors in Turkey for some time. Nadia has only six months because later the operation will become meaningless: the spine will form finally and surgical intervention will not help.

Nadia really wants to dance again. And even more, she wants to live! Help this beautiful bird to grow its wings and breathe in full breast! You can save her life!


Name: Korniienko Nadia, 14.09.2001

City: Kremenchuk

Diagnosis: consequences of abnormal scoliosis of the 7th degree

ID: 3168
Charity donation
24.06.2017 08:30
47251.17 UAH
All donors

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