Only forward, to the future
Only forward, to the future

Only forward, to the future

The project is carried by
Started: 22.04.2016
Totally raised
6706.0 UAH
Total goal
6706.00 UAH

Our son Zhenya struggles with cerebral palsy, a disease which necessitates long-term continuous rehabilitation. Despite this, he is very happy and cheerful boy.Cerebral palsy it is impossible to cure fully, as it is impossible to prevent the blast occurred, but it is possible and necessary to treat the affected body, which is similar to scorched earth that wants to regain its former beauty and life

But, to return to a normal life is compounded by large and regular costs, like treatment, medication and travel accommodation...
For the past 6 years our hard work, sometimes simply give up and leave the force, but take a look at these smart, loyal eyes and there is hope and new strength...

Every new movement, for us is such a big victory and joy! After each rehabilitation course we see a positive trend, as our son is changing — first he learned to sit, to crawl, to speak and most importantly with this diagnosis - he walk. Finilly seems, here it is the joy, he went, but not so simple when every step is so hard, how much effort is required to raise the leg to take a step, pass smoothly without wobbling and falling, but thanks to  perseverance and regular rehabilitation every time it is becoming easier and easier. Mental Zhenya was no different from his peers, he talks, laughs, knows letters, numbers, and after an year wants to go to school with normal kids.

We passed 14 courses in the international clinic of rehabilitation in Truskavets and realized that we can't stop because every time I come back from there with new results.

I appeal to all caring people, help my son to fulfill a cherished dream and become a normal, healthy boy running and playing football with their peers. Thank you all so much!


Full name: Eugene Efimov, 20 January 2010

City: Vinnitsa

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy (spastic dyplyhiya)

ID: 2204
Charity donation
13.05.2016 12:31
333.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2016 12:02
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2016 12:00
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2016 11:58
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2016 11:11
100.00 UAH
All donors

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