Three severe diseases for one child.
Three severe diseases for one child.

Three severe diseases for one child.

The project is carried by
Started: 19.05.2017
Totally raised
26734.0 UAH
Total goal
26734.00 UAH

"We just need to live until", – mom says. Until tomorrow, until hospitalizing (i.e. possibility to pay for the medicines), until summer, New Year. When a child is severely ill, you live today and dream about future. Nastia became severely ill in March. The temperature was 38°C, the girl was coughing with blood, her heart aches because of stress. She needs hospitalizing for the yesterday – to drop antibiotics intravenously and to stop infection.

Now Nastia is given antibiotics at home – through inhalations. But it does not help, it is not enough. They wait for Nastia in Kyiv, in the department of pulmonology in Amosov Institute. A complex hospital treatment will be performed there. Nastia has a lot of problems with health. And she will be given recommendations for a further therapy when her health conditions stabilize and infection is redeemed. The doctors in her native town are not able to cure cystic fibrosis, rare and complicated decrease which needs integral approach and knowledge of modern treatment practice. Nastia needs this trip badly!

The task for us is to help Nastia’s mother to collect money for Meropenem – it will be the main in the treatment and it is the most expensive. The family cannot afford to buy this antibiotic. But just this antibiotic is the best to cure the infection in Nastia’s lungs. We need Nastia to be healthy, don’t we?

It is getting warmer outside, everything is woken up and came to life. But Nastia cannot fully appreciate it – she feels sick many days at a time. To break through this circle she needs treatment and your support!

Before on UBB, we have collected money for Nastia. To vie the previous project you can use the link.


Name: Bondar Anastasia, 13.11.2000

City: Mykolaiv

Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis with pancreatic insufficiency, severe stroke, chronic obstructive bronchitis, lung testaferros, liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hypersplenism, coagulopathy, diabetes mellitus type 1

ID: 3067
Charity donation
16.06.2017 21:09
0.25 UAH
16.06.2017 20:11
19458.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.06.2017 19:41
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.06.2017 19:26
101.96 UAH
Назарій Кобильник
16.06.2017 19:18
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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