Quality equipment is a dream!
Quality equipment is a dream!

Quality equipment is a dream!

Started: 24.05.2021
Dnipro region
Totally raised
268275.0 UAH
Total goal
268275.00 UAH

The most important event in the life of every person is his birth. It is also the most important event for every woman who is about to become a mother, and how important it is for her to feel that she and her child are safe. But, unfortunately, most maternity hospitals in our country are not equipped with quality and technological equipment, especially the difficult situation in district centers. The equipment is old and has been in use for decades. For example, in the Nikopol maternity hospital in the Dnipro region, there is an urgent need for high-quality obstetric beds-transformers, as well as in the patient's monitor, which will allow monitoring the woman's condition.

Obstetric beds transformers of modern design are very functional and convenient for helping women during childbirth. They are very practical for both women giving birth and for medical staff. Easily rebuilt for any obstetric operation, as well as very mobile, you can easily and quickly transfer a woman to the operating room or operate directly on her.

"Unfortunately, we do not have such beds. So far we only dream about them. We use the usual functional. We have 5 delivery rooms, such beds are needed in each room”, said Lydia Vyacheslavovna, the director of the Maternity Hospital.

The patient's monitor is also extremely necessary equipment that allows you to monitor the condition of the mother or pregnant woman in intensive care and timely treatment.

Nikopol maternity hospital serves three cities and two districts. Nikopol, Pokrov, Marganets, Nikopol and Tomakivsky districts. In 2021, 1,400 births were taken here, and in 2022, due to the start of a full-scale war and the fact that many left the region (because Nikopol, unfortunately, is not the safest region now) – much less. Although immigrants from the Eastern regions of Ukraine come here. Therefore, the need for medical equipment remains relevant

To date, the foundation has set itself the task of equipping district maternity hospitals, which will receive almost no assistance and funding. Now we are raising funds for the purchase of an obstetric bed and a patient monitor for the Nikopol maternity hospital.

We care about the future of our state and our children, help us to bring the level of Ukrainian medicine to the highest level.

ID: 7149
Charity donation
08.08.2022 17:53
263910.08 UAH
Charity donation
29.07.2022 19:46
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2022 06:22
10.14 UAH
13.02.2022 14:03
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.01.2022 08:43
100.00 UAH
All donors

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