A physical education teacher who lost his arm at the front realized his dream after rehabilitation

In August 2023, we were raising funds for a bionic prosthesis for our defender, Valentyn Anokhin, who worked as a physical education teacher before the full-scale invasion. After losing his limb, Valentyn dreamed of playing basketball and continuing to inspire children to love sports, and he did it! A three-point shot with a bionic arm. The guard realized his dream 5 months after rehabilitation. Using the prosthesis, he threw the basketball straight into the basket.

Valentyn Anokhin, 32, is from a village in the Rivne region. In the spring of 2022, the teacher was mobilized. In the summer of 2023, Valentyn was seriously injured in the Kupiansko-Lymanskyi sector when a tank shell exploded three meters from him. "Fizruk" miraculously survived, but lost his left arm.

After treatment and recovery at the National Rehabilitation Center UNBROKEN, the defensive teacher was most concerned about whether he would be able to teach children to play basketball and shoot three-pointers again. In order to continue practicing with the ball, a conventional prosthesis is not enough, he needs a high-tech one. So our multidisciplinary team decided to fit the teacher with a bionic limb.

"I was really looking forward to my artificial arm. Since my injury, I had gotten used to doing a lot of things with one hand. But when I put on the prosthesis, I felt how much easier my daily routine became. Now I can do everything twice as fast," the defender shares his feelings. But the most important thing is that Valentyn's dream has come true. The bionic river's capabilities have given him back the ability to play basketball again.

But whether Valentyn will be able to return to teaching or will continue to serve in the military is still unknown. This decision will be made by the military medical commission.

The defender was able to receive a bionic prosthetic arm thanks to the Prostheses for Invincibles project.

We thank all the benefactors!

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