Your help is Pavlyk's chance for a healthy life
Your help is Pavlyk's chance for a healthy life

Your help is Pavlyk's chance for a healthy life

The project is carried by
Started: 20.05.2024
Still needed
31989.00 UAH
Total goal
33715.00 UAH

Pavlyk is 5 years old, and was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Pavlyk has sleep disorders and selective eating. He needs help to undergo an examination to determine how to further treat and correct him.

Pavlyk is a very long-awaited and only child in the family. When he was born, he was a little different from kids his age, but neither doctors nor parents suspected anything wrong. Only when he was three years old was he diagnosed – a little late, because the chance for early intervention, which gives good results, was lost. So, we had to make up for lost time quickly, look for specialists and rehabilitation.

When the full-scale war began, the fear that the child would not have the opportunity to practice and would regress was added to the general fear and confusion. Pavlo spent two months in Poland, attending a kindergarten there. Then it was decided to return to Ukraine, where the boy continued his intensive rehabilitation. 

The child worked with speech therapists, defectologists, psychologists, ABA therapists, sensory integration specialists, rehabilitation therapists, a canisterist, swimming coaches and took rehabilitation courses at local rehabilitation centers. A great contribution to the boy's development is his daily attendance at a special kindergarten, where they have an approach to such children, surround them with love and care. 

Comprehensive classes give good results. Pavlyk, although not yet very intelligible, speaks, tries to communicate, and his horizons and interests are expanding. To develop motor skills that help with speech, his mother taught him to cut with scissors, and now the child makes various crafts with the help of adults. He likes to play with construction sets and draw. His parents try to instill in him a love of books. But there is still a lot of work ahead.

Now the boy needs to undergo a night EEG and laboratory diagnostic tests. We ask for the help of those who care, so that Pavlyk can undergo these tests and be prescribed medication courses.

Full name: Kislyuk Pavlo Eduardovych, 12.07.2018
City: Rivne
Diagnosis: Autism
ID: 9439

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
30.06.2024 14:10
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 10:36
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 09:41
33.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 22:48
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 18:04
1000.00 UAH
All donors
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