Important little things for treatment
Important little things for treatment

Important little things for treatment

The project is carried by
Started: 06.11.2024
Dnipro region
Still needed
18590.05 UAH
Total goal
19900.00 UAH

Measuring temperature and pressure is a daily routine in inpatient departments of hospitals. Blood pressure monitors and thermometers can be classified as consumables, as they are used so frequently that you need to buy new ones. Thermometers break from time to time, because no one is immune from accidental careless movement, and patients are different. The cuffs of blood pressure monitors gradually wear out and begin to tear, as they have to withstand dozens of measurements every day. The nurses start hemming them to extend the life of the device, as they do not have enough money to buy new ones.

Among the long list of basic expenses required to maintain the hospital's vital functions, such "little things" are simply not on the list. But it is impossible to treat without these "little things". So often medical staff have to buy them at their own expense. They can't take it from patients. But it shouldn't be this way.

Doctors and nurses from all departments of the Tsarichansk Central Hospital have asked us to replace worn-out blood pressure monitors and replenish the stock of thermometers. So please help us raise funds to pay for the total order of these devices for the entire hospital.

*The full name of the hospital: Municipal Enterprise "Tsarychansk Central Hospital" of the Tsarychansk Village Council.

ID: 9784

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Luckfart Янютін
01.12.2024 12:59
160.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.11.2024 20:18
99.99 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2024 18:24
99.99 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2024 00:37
99.99 UAH
Максим Де
11.11.2024 00:53
250.00 UAH
All donors
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