Big help for little Bogdan
Big help for little Bogdan

Big help for little Bogdan

The project is carried by
Started: 15.07.2015
Zhytomyr region, Berdychiv
Totally raised
24332.0 UAH
Total goal
24332.00 UAH

The news of the bite-size boy Bogdan, who was born 22nd week of pregnancy weighing 490 grams appeared in 2007 in all the media. It was a sensation for the first time in Ukraine the doctors fought for life such of the such little child! Skeptics predicted the boy deep cerebral palsy, retinal detachment of eyes, hydrocephalus, argued that the child will not be able to breathe on his own and that the boy would live only connected to a lung ventilator. But a miracle happened!

Bogdan survived despite all the negative predictions, survived thanks to titanic efforts of doctors, so they passionately wanted to wrest the fate of chance for the baby, due infinite paternal love, concern and prayers, survived thanks to his own heavy daily work and internal forces that were taken from nowhere.

Overcoming incredible number of issues, Bogdan made his small victories on the way to a healthy life. Almost 4 months between life and death in intensive care perinatal center, then a number of hospitals, injections, intravenous, painful procedures, cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, exhausting workout sessions with special educators…

"Bohdanchyk – cheerful and sunny baby, he is very stubborn and focused guy with a great sense of humor. It seemed that everything is over, but once in son perekosylo entire face, hands and feet sipalysya randomly in different directions, the body shook in terrible convulsions, and – stop breathing. These attacks were repeated 20-40 times a day and each time it seemed that this is the end - says Elena boy's mother. - Diagnosis – epilepsy. For a long time we picked adequate treatment, and finally reached to reduce the number of attacks, Bogdan even managed finish the first grade!

But our baby should always take special drugs, which cost in a month is more than 1 500 UAH. Due to full financial exhaustion of 8 years of treatment, this amount an impossible for our family. Bogdan also need undergo rehabalitation courses, but we can't afford to pay for it. With the grace of God – my son lives with your kindness – Bohdanchyk can become healthy! Help raise funds for the necessary medication and treatment, because their right to life Bohdanchyk long since proved! 


Name: Bogdan V. Cherniy, born 13/02/2007

Location: Zhytomyr region, Berdychiv

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy (hemiparetic form), symptomatic epilepsy with frequent generalized seizures

ID: 1614
Charity donation
03.08.2015 09:13
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.08.2015 08:46
25.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.08.2015 08:16
367.00 UAH
Андрей Матющенко
02.08.2015 22:06
100.00 UAH
Олександр Шевчук
02.08.2015 17:28
50.00 UAH
All donors

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