Big miracle for little Vasya!
Big miracle for little Vasya!

Big miracle for little Vasya!

The project is carried by
Started: 01.06.2016
Lviv region
Totally raised
11950.0 UAH
Total goal
11950.00 UAH

Vasya is already 3 years old, and it is a great joy that the boy is still alive. Pregnancy proceeded without complications, an ultrasound investigation found nothing. Delivery was normal, according to the term naturally. Everything was in childbirth. The child was born with a syndrome of Arnold Kiari (hydrocephalus and spinal open lumbar hernia malformation). And later occured that even with the absence of a small cerebellum.

On the third day of life Vasyl underwent surgery on his back, doctors closed the defect of the neural tube and formed it of soft tissues. Vasyl recovered difficult, there were no guarantees of doctors that the child will live.

After 2 months, Vasil was discovered an inguinal hernia, underwent surgery, and a week later he’s been put a shunt in his head, after which the liquor was formed cushion. After 4 months the child huddled shunt. The boy underwent surgery, but liquor pillow recruited appeared again and cracked because of what Vasyl underwent surgery once more, the shunt was placed below. Everything seems to have been normal. But when going to be discharged from the hospital, it turned out that the end of the shunt from the abdomen was below the place it should have been. In Urology unit he underwent surgery. In general, Vasyl underwent 6 operations and 8 general anesthesia with MRI.

Then Vasyl has been treated in neurology at the regional hospital. And in April 2014 he was treated in the "Institute of the problems of pain" named V.A. Bersenev. And it is this clinic that gave him the most significant results. That was finally what his mother was dreaming of so long! During treatment at the Institute of pain Vasyl improved movement skills in his legs, their sensitivity increased. The boy finally started to significantly develop mentally, even was able to say a few words, which he could not do before, and became active in communication.

Vasyl cannot stop treatment now, but it is very sad that when they found the clinic, where the boy has shown good results, parents cannot pay for rehabilitation. But they do not give up and believe that there are good people who can help. Support Vasyliuk’s family in such difficult times for them, any help is very important for Vasyl and his parents!


Name: Vasyl M. Vasyliuk, 14.01.2013

Location: Lviv region

Diagnosis: a combined defect of the central nervous system development: a complex malformation of the posterior fossa structures, progressive hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal hernia (a condition after surgery 16.01.2013), movement disorders syndrome, dystonic upper extremities, flaccid paresis of the lower extremities, pelvic organ dysfunction in the peripheral type

ID: 2287
Charity donation
12.06.2016 18:52
290.00 UAH
Анастасія Ковальчук
12.06.2016 18:16
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2016 17:28
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2016 17:10
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2016 16:19
30.00 UAH
All donors

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