Veronika is a girl from a dream. 4
Veronika is a girl from a dream. 4

Veronika is a girl from a dream. 4

The project is carried by
Started: 09.02.2024
Donetsk region
Totally raised
35500.0 UAH
Total goal
35500.00 UAH

Veronika has been diagnosed since birth: Microcephaly, spastic tetraparesis, mental and physical developmental delays, and symptomatic epilepsy. The child needs to undergo systematic rehabilitation 3-4 times. Treatment allows children with these diagnoses to achieve maximum independence within the limits of their motor disorders and associated disabilities. With appropriate treatment and rehabilitation, children can lead almost normal lives. Our goal is to teach Veronika to walk and give the Lebid family the happiness of having a child with unlimited movement.

The project started on 09 February 2024. Thanks to charitable contributions, the amount of UAH 35,500.00 was raised on the platform of the UBB Charitable Foundation and Veronika underwent treatment at the International Centre for Rehabilitation and Neurophysiology in September. The course lasted from 09-19.09.2024.

Her mother wrote in a letter: ‘Our rehabilitation course is over, for which we are very grateful to all the caring hearts who constantly support us! Our little princess is already 7 years old and she is growing very rapidly, but unfortunately her muscles are not keeping up with this process, so we work hard and work with rehabilitation therapists.  This time we went through the following procedures: Exercise therapy, massage, speech therapy, hand therapy, classes with a correctional teacher and an occupational therapist, a barocheter, and a neurological consultation.
Nikusia has become more attentive and interested in the world around her, and is no longer so afraid to touch new objects. A barocamp for special children is a godsend, because their brains are constantly suffering from oxygen deprivation, and after this procedure, the body is saturated with oxygen and gains energy. At the physical therapy sessions, our girl tries very hard to control her body, sit more confidently, and stand holding on to a support. Our family is grateful to all the kind people who enable Veronica to support her body and acquire new skills, although it is very difficult. Unfortunately, after the course, we could not return home because of the constant shelling, new challenges, and other people's homes, but we will cope again...
Have a peaceful day and good health, take care!’

After receiving the documents from the rehabilitation centre, we paid the bill for the course of treatment in the amount of 35 500.00 UAH.

CO ICF ‘Everyone Can’ joins the Lebid family and expresses its sincere gratitude to the website and all those who responded to the call for help for Veronica!

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Rehabilitation 35500.00
Total project costs 35500.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 35500.00
Charity donation
15.08.2024 14:18
6700.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.08.2024 18:53
250.00 UAH
Максим Де
12.08.2024 23:52
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.08.2024 20:21
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.08.2024 14:52
4090.66 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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