Win a fight for life
Win a fight for life

Win a fight for life

The project is carried by
Started: 26.03.2018
Kirovohrad region
Totally raised
58051.0 UAH
Total goal
58051.00 UAH

Ania is 26 years old and her life costs almost 29,000 UAH per month. Her parents work and Ania is trying to do her best also – still, the numbers don’t add up. Ania has cystic fibrosis – a congenital genetic disorder which is like a lottery that cannot be forestalled or predicted… The moment a baby is born with CF, you start fighting for his/her life, daily. Back in 1991 cystic fibrosis was a little-known disease in Ukraine, there were no doctors to treat it, let alone government funding of the related drugs. The fact that Ania had survived through her childhood can be credited to the titanic constant effort of the whole family. However, today she is the most severely affected patient in the whole country while remaining, at the same time, just a 26-year old girl who simply wants to live.

Ania has just been through an inpatient antibiotic IV treatment course and it is crucial that she continues the treatment at home to secure the results. She is prescribed Colomycin antibiotic inhalations for the next 2 months. This medicine is the most effective weapon in the treatment of the most severe case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection which can actually destroy the lungs if not for Colomycin which helps keep the infection in check. It is of vital importance for Ania since her lungs are severely damaged as they are, she is unable to breathe independently, has severe shortness of breath and is constantly dependent on oxygen machines. Still, you can keep on living despite all these struggles, and Ania is trying to live to the fullest of her potential, values life and is not going to give up!

Some of the girl’s medicines are funded by the government, but Colomycin and several other drugs of vital importance are not on the government list. Funding for adult patients with severe diseases like this is still at the very low level. Ania submits regular applications to the local budget authorities, takes part in the patient movement striving to obtain proper funding from the government, but all of this takes time. And you can’t afford any delays with cystic fibrosis, the treatment is required today. Help Ania survive.

Earlier at the UBB, we already collected money for Anna. You can see the previous project by the link.


Name: Ostroverkha Anna, 22.12.1991

City: Tabanove village, Kirovograd region

Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis (mixed form, severe course)

ID: 3920
Charity donation
29.04.2018 10:54
11457.13 UAH
29.04.2018 09:27
509.16 UAH
Charity donation
28.04.2018 23:14
100.00 UAH
Людмила Коверга
28.04.2018 22:14
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.04.2018 20:39
101.87 UAH
All donors

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