He saves the nation, she fights for life
He saves the nation, she fights for life

He saves the nation, she fights for life

Started: 15.01.2019
Totally raised
32399.01 UAH
Total goal
32399.01 UAH

UPD: unfortunately, Irina is dead. The disease was stronger. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolences to the women’s family and thanks to everyone who supported Irina. Detailed information is in the project blog and in the “Documentation” section. 2 bone marrow transplants, a lot of chemistry, weeks of high temperature, fainting, muscle atrophy – all this has been experienced by Irina for the last year, the wife of the ATO warrior, she has been struggling with aplastic anemia of severe degree for more than 10 long years. He fights freedom for each of us, but can not win the health of his wife.

UPD: unfortunately, Irina is dead. The disease was stronger. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolences to the women’s family and thanks to everyone who supported Irina. Detailed information is in the project blog and in the “Documentation” section.
2 bone marrow transplants, a lot of chemistry, weeks of high temperature, fainting, muscle atrophy – all this has been experienced by Irina for the last year, the wife of the ATO warrior, she has been struggling with aplastic anemia of severe degree for more than 10 long years. He fights freedom for each of us, but can not win the health of his wife. 

To rescue Ira, Turkish doctors have already made bone marrow transplants, the transplanted bone marrow could not fully work to ensure the recovery of vital signs to the required level. The treatment is not over and needs to be continued: medicines, regular examinations, analyzes of each month. And this is about $ 3,000 a month!

God forbid, that these gatherings were saving for Irina, and she finally returned to normal life – so much has already passed – and these last steps simply have to become salvation! At UBB, we collect 70,000 UAH for a monthly course of examinations and treatment.

Support Iryna!


Name: Tseraniuk Iryna, 24.10.1986

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: aplastic anemia

ID: 4725
Наталія Алексєєва
18.05.2019 21:57
106.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2019 21:36
100.00 UAH
Olha H
13.05.2019 21:25
254.58 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2019 18:01
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
12.05.2019 16:29
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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