Yura's hardship continients
Yura's hardship continients

Yura's hardship continients

The project is carried by
Started: 21.04.2016
Rovno region
Totally raised
47398.5 UAH
Total goal
47398.50 UAH

Almost five years ago Yura Shupik finished treatment of acute leukemia. However to say that "he finished" is not completely correct. During treatment doctors discovered that he has so-called Philadelphia chromosome. It means that he has to take imatinib during all his life. Without the continuous use of this drug sooner or later the disease will return. Yura needs 8 thousand UAH per month in order to buy it. Otherwise - rapid relapse of leukemia.

Yura is tall, with dark hair, very skinny and pale. He looks like a heavy smoker, but the problem is quite different. He had experienced a lot in his life. Five years with acute leukemia diagnosis and courses of chemotherapy left their mark on his appearance.

In 2009, 16-year-old Yura faced a big problem - blood cancer. The struggle for his life had started. Only Yura knows how difficult this struggle was. The guy did not give up and passed all courses of chemotherapy. He recovered. But new challenges were waiting for him.
During these years Yura was taking imatinib. How could he afford such expensive drugs? This was possible only with God's help and with the help of caring people. In February he used the last packaging of drugs. 8 thousands UAH per month - this is the cost needed for buying this medicine. For a young man, who graduated from computer academy and just got a job, and for his mother - an ordinary woman from a village, this price is not affordable!

Yura has to take these drugs. Otherwise all efforts he has made in order to recover are in vain. We appeal to you, please help to raise funds for vital medicines for Yura for the next 6 months!


Full name: Shupik Yura, 12.03.1993

City: Rovno region

Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The first remyssyya


ID: 2212
Charity donation
28.07.2017 07:49
0.16 UAH
28.07.2017 01:07
14128.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.07.2017 18:49
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
27.07.2017 18:39
100.00 UAH
Сергій та Оля
23.07.2017 22:30
101.92 UAH
All donors

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