Belief in a happy childhood and life!
Belief in a happy childhood and life!

Belief in a happy childhood and life!

The project is carried by
Started: 24.05.2024
Still needed
30720.00 UAH
Total goal
41150.00 UAH

On January 16, 2018, a boy, Dima, was born. His mother remembers this day well, and she will probably never forget it. It was one of the best days of the young family's life. No one could even imagine what awaited them and what diagnosis their boy would eventually receive.

Dima was born at 41 weeks, and according to doctors, the boy was healthy. In the first months, his development was in line with his age, but his mother felt that something was wrong. At 4.5 months, the parents saw the first signs of their son's inactivity, and then began to look for the cause.

At 6 months, Dima was prescribed his first massages, which slightly improved his condition. During this period, doctors said that the boy simply had a developmental delay. The family did not stop and continued to visit hospitals to find out the cause of the delay. Only at 11 months, after examinations and MRI scans, the doctor diagnosed cerebral palsy. It was a shock for the whole family. They were not ready to accept this information and diagnosis. Every time the mother looked at her son, her eyes were filled with tears. But no one was going to give up.

When Dima turned 1 year old, he was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic tetraparesis. And so began his struggle for a happy childhood and a full life. His first rehabilitation took place in Truskavets, at the Kozyavkin Clinic. His mother was afraid of the number of children who needed help and the amount of work she had to do to help her child as much as possible. After the first rehabilitation, my mother returned gray-haired. It was very difficult morally, and she thanks God that their boy bravely withstood the first sessions. So Dima went to Kozyavkin's clinic 6 times, then his mother started looking for other rehabilitation specialists. The parents tried to provide at least 3 rehabilitations a year, and added lessons in the pool with a speech therapist and a correctional teacher.

Dima took his first and uncertain steps at the age of 3 years and 11 months on St. Nicholas Day. These steps were long-awaited, and the boy's parents realized that they were doing everything right. However, last summer, the boy had to undergo surgery on his legs: Dima's heel was lowered on both legs, the tendons were lengthened and screws were screwed into the hip joints. The surgery was successful. After a month in plaster casts, the boy is now standing on his own foot.

The postoperative period was difficult, the parents taught their son to stand and walk from scratch, it was unbearably hard and painful for everyone. The parents always raised funds for rehabilitation and classes for their son on their own. They also paid for the surgery at their own expense, and after the full-scale invasion, their financial situation became very difficult, and they turned to the Foundation for help. 

Now Dima is 6 years old. He goes to a public kindergarten, he likes it there, especially music. His communication skills are at a high level, he prefers adults for communication. The boy's intelligence is intact, and he has a very good memory. It is difficult for the family to ask for help with rehabilitation costs, but they are always grateful to everyone who helps them with words and more.

Full name: Dmitriy Oleksandrovich Sukhozenko, 16.01.2018
City: Altynivka village, Sumy region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 9472

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
29.06.2024 12:20
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 22:58
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2024 14:13
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 23:01
100.00 UAH
Дмитро В.
13.06.2024 22:55
250.00 UAH
All donors
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