I believe that I will be able to walk! 4
I believe that I will be able to walk! 4

I believe that I will be able to walk! 4

The project is carried by
Started: 13.03.2018
Odessa region
Totally raised
10746.0 UAH
Total goal
10746.00 UAH

Dear donors, You know well Tinochka Shpatakovskaya whom you have already assisted three times! Her medical diagnosis is cerebral paralysis, spastic tetraparesis. Thanks to the funds collected on the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace, Tinochka could have completed a rehabilitation course in “Innovo” and “Elita” clinics and get an operative therapy according to the method of Uzilbat. This combination treatment produced positive results which the parents are quite happy to see. Indeed, Tina grew up meanwhile and began to understand what benefit she gets out of rehabilitation, training, massages and therapeutic exercises.

Parents are eager to see their daughter healthy. To see how she walks without anybody’s help, plays with other children at playgrounds and attends a school. Tina is a very diligent and purposeful child. During her seven years, she experienced much pain and wearing daily exercises. However, it was worth it – now Tina walks not on toes but on her heels. Now she walks more steadily and crossing-over of her legs became less pronounced. Also, Tina can sit and, for some time, can sit unsupported. When in the pool, she can stand holding on the railing for about a minute. She has got a new skill – Tina learned to independently switch objects from one hand to another, she learned many letters and can read some words. The first of them was: “dad” and “mom”. She is fond of speech therapist lessons and began to take interest in puzzles and other logical games can count now from one to ten. These are good news for the parents.

The next rehabilitation course has been appointed by “Elita” clinic for April, 2018, and costs UAH 10,746. The parents pay much by themselves, however, sometimes they have to ask for help all those not indifferent and kind people – all those who had assisted Tinochka earlier and those who want to help her now. Please, help to set the child on her!  

Name: Shpatakovska Tina, 09.10.2010

City: Yuzhne, Odesa region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis

ID: 3787
Charity donation
05.05.2018 22:55
957.75 UAH
Charity donation
05.05.2018 22:41
509.16 UAH
Максим Гринченко
05.05.2018 22:34
96.76 UAH
Charity donation
05.05.2018 21:40
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.05.2018 21:37
10.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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