She dreams of using her left hand same way she does her right one
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Looking at the photos of this beautiful girl it is hard to believe how difficult her life is. Valeria was born healthy. Later in life, her parents began to notice she started to have health problems. Examinations showed that Valeria had cerebral palsy and left-side hemiparesis. Since then, the girl regularly undergoes rehabilitation treatment courses. But the left hand does not work at all. Valeria underwent surgery but unfortunately the last operation on the wrist was not successful.
She had pain in her hand for a long time and could not use it at all. From the parents of other children with a similar diagnosis, Valeria's mother found out about the Franciscus Clinic (Germany, Aachen). It successfully conducts operations to correct defects of the brush. In the case of Valeria, Dr. Jörg Bam confirmed that he would undertake this operation. Valeria will have to have her muscles that pull the fingers cut in a proper way and her nerves (which are also responsible for spasticity) blocked.
Valeria is a very active girl: she goes to school and loves playing table tennis. She takes her lessons very seriously and responsibly. Unfortunately, in 2016 she began to experience bouts of epilepsy. Earlier, in her childhood, Valeria had similar attacks but they were stoped with medication. An accidental fall and a head injury provoked new attacks that continue to this day. Valeria takes special medications that significantly reduce the number of seizures. But still, the girl must constantly be under the close supervision of her mother.
Valeria was operated for three times. In 2007, incisions were made according to the Ulzibat method along the entire left side – leg, back, neck, cheek. In 2008, incisions were made according to the Ulzibat method only on her left hand. In 2010, myotomy (surgical separation of the muscles of the left hand) was performed in Kiev. Unfortunately, it cannot be called successful, the operation was very painful and led to such consequences as the lack of motor skills of the left hand, the thumb does not move, the other fingers also do not function and strong spasticity grips the girl’s hand. After the operation, the healing process of the sutures lasted for 2 years. The girl had to do massages and develop a hand for a long time. The pains were gone but the functionality of her wrist was lost.
Now Valeria can do things only with her right hand: her left one does not function at all. This greatly limits her life. To hold an object in her left hand, she must take it with her right hand and put it into her left one. Valeria wants to do everything with two hands, to fully perform everyday tasks and confidently take her mother’s hand. The girl is looking forward to this operation. The family is asking you for help in raising funds to pay for the operation. For other expenses – flight and accommodation – the family collects money independently.
Let's help Valeria pay for the operation so that she can fully use her left hand.
Name: Zakharchuk Valeria, 11.05.2003
City: Odessa
Diagnosis: Focal symptomatic epilepsy with complex partial seizures. Cerebral palsy, left-sided hemiparesis. Labile hypertension. Mitral valve prolapse 1 degree with minimal regurgitation. Vegetative dysfunction syndrome according to hypertonic type, with sympathoadrenal crises. OU retinal angiopathy. G80.2
ID: | 5962 |
Charity donation
21.07.2020 17:00
18419.47 UAH |
Charity donation
20.07.2020 22:50
51.01 UAH |
Charity donation
20.07.2020 21:12
101.96 UAH |
Charity donation
18.07.2020 20:41
51.01 UAH |
Денис .
18.07.2020 20:01
325.00 UAH |
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