They don't see her, and she doesn't hear them... 3
They don't see her, and she doesn't hear them... 3

They don't see her, and she doesn't hear them... 3

The project is carried by
Started: 04.06.2021
Totally raised
96000.0 UAH
Total goal
96000.00 UAH

Dear donators! You already know the family of Veronika Kistiuk. Blind parents have a daughter with hearing disorder. They can’t see her and she can’t hear them… Thanks to the donators of Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace Veronika underwent cochlear implantation surgery in 2018. Half a year later the child’s hearing ability recovered for 100% and now it is the same as of a healthy person. However, the girl requires long exercises with a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing so that the girl can speak.

Starting with 2019 Veronika attends classes at the hearing and speech center. As a result of these classes the girl reads and writes well, perceives the material read aloud, recites poems. However, Veronica uses not spread sentences, forms incorrect lexical and grammar constructions, retells not well enough and misrepresents semantic meanings. The child also requires correction of sound pronunciation badly, she needs to continue the classes.

It is necessarily to work with Veronika on enlarging vocabulary and developing of coherent speech during the whole following year, she also needs to form ability of making and retelling stories, making generalization and classifying objects. This post-surgery hearing and speech rehabilitation is very important for the integration of the child into the society of people without hearing disorders. It is impossible to achieve the optimal result without it.

However, the rehabilitation is a long process requiring financial expenses. “Hearing and Speech Center” LLC issued an invoice for 320 classes for the amount of UAH 96,000.00. For the family consisting of invalid people this amount is impracticable. Veronika’s parents work at the enterprises for blind people. Nadezhda assembles hangers and Aleksandr works as an unskilled worker. Salaries are very humble and the parents can’t pay for classes. This is why we kindly ask you to support little Veronika and help her get the speaking ability!

Full name: Kistyuk Veronika, 09.01.2014
City: Оdessa
Diagnosis: Bilateral chronic sensorineural deafness
ID: 7164
09.01.2022 18:35
3598.60 UAH
Charity donation
09.01.2022 15:33
250.00 UAH
09.01.2022 15:04
2000.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.01.2022 10:32
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2022 23:57
30.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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