Let's save Bogdan from a wheelchair!
Let's save Bogdan from a wheelchair!

Let's save Bogdan from a wheelchair!

The project is carried by
Started: 25.01.2016
Lviv region
Totally raised
10000.0 UAH
Total goal
10000.00 UAH

Hard destiny has fallen on the shoulders of Bogdan. At the age of 5 years, he has not yet learned on his own how to sit, walk, and talk. But he learned to endure the pain and to fight a terrible disease  cerebral palsy! Bogdan was born prematurely, at 6 months, with a weight of 1 100 gr. His condition was severe and doctors had to put him on artificial respiration. The child spent 1.5 months in intensive care and another 1.5 in the hospital room. Premature birth has given its negative results. Bogdan did not develop like other children. At 10 months, he got sick with chickenpox and that caused convulsions, which tormented child very much.

When Bogdan turned one year old, the doctors diagnosed him with cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, and symptomatic epilepsy. It was an awful blow to the family. Collecting all their will and wiping away the tears, parents began to fight! Regular massages, therapeutic physical therapy, daily medication. Bogdan had four courses of treatment at the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets, four courses in RC "Apis-Melіfіka” in Khmelnitsky, hospital medication treatments in Lviv. The child is showing positive results: started to sit cross-legged, roll over and support himself on hands, better understand the world around him.

Bogdan has a chance to be fully developed child, but this requires long-term treatment in special centers. Therefore, on February 8, he is expected at the rehabilitation center "Innova" in Lviv. One course of treatment is 10 000 UAH. Bogdan’s family is no longer able to pay for the treatments by themselves. All funds have been exhausted in the previous courses. Therefore, mother had to ask for help from caring people! Help Bogdan to be healthy and not know a hard life in a wheelchair! After all, every treatment is another step toward his dream!


Name: Bogdan Y. Ostapiv, born 06.04.2010

Location: Lviv region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

ID: 1946
Charity donation
15.02.2016 18:17
380.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.02.2016 18:10
120.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.02.2016 15:44
340.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.02.2016 15:39
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.02.2016 15:38
50.00 UAH
All donors

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