Save the Heart of Anna Kielarova
Save the Heart of Anna Kielarova

Save the Heart of Anna Kielarova

The project is carried by
Started: 26.03.2021
Totally raised
86991.0 UAH
Total goal
86991.00 UAH

Anya was born with congenital heart defect and since birth was observed with doctors.  In 5 years, the girl made the first operation on the heart with a height of the chest.  Amosov's doctors made plastic defect interventricular partition.  The operation was a challenging, life-threatening child.  But doctors did everything they could.  All these years, the child's condition was stable, but not so much to be considered healthy.  Frequent overwork, dizziness, low pressure, use of medicines and continuous monitoring of doctors.  With the next examination in Amosov, doctors upset mom, saying that her heart needs another operation.  The heart does not cope and it is necessary to fix the defect again.  This time it can be done without the cut of the chest and not traumating the child.

Amosov's doctors will make an Аnechka surgery for free, but for her family it is necessary to purchase two heart implants at once.  The cost of each about 90 000 UAH.  For a simple Ukrainian family, where Mom is a single, and the father helps only as far as possible, it seems unreality.  We have to seek help from not indifferent people who are not indifferent to someone else's grief.

We ask all of you about help!  Save the Heart of Anna!

Full name: Kilyarova Anna Pavlovna, 22.11.2005
City: Nikopol
Diagnosis: congenital heart disease - atrial septal defect
ID: 7002
Charity donation
22.04.2021 11:18
1621.85 UAH
22.04.2021 10:52
68.23 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2021 10:37
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2021 10:10
25.46 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2021 10:10
200.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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