Save the heart of Chura Kalina
Save the heart of Chura Kalina

Save the heart of Chura Kalina

The project is carried by
Started: 05.12.2019
Totally raised
79929.0 UAH
Total goal
79929.00 UAH

The girl Kalina needs help, who has a congenital heart disease and urgently needs an operation to install a cardiac implant (occluder). The operation at the Amosov Institute will be done for free, but parents need to purchase the implant itself, the cost of which is almost 80,000 UAH. For a simple Ukrainian family, where two children and a grandfather are a pensioner, it will take years to earn such money. And Kalina’s heart cannot wait. The defect must be corrected now, because it is very life-threatening. We appeal to you for help saving the life of Kalina!

Kalina is 11 years old and she lives with her parents, brother and grandfather in Lviv. An ordinary Ukrainian family, where parents trade in the market, go about their business and try their best to survive in difficult times. Since birth, Kalina had no health problems, she went in for sports. The favorite work of life with which she dreamed of connecting her future is swimming. She is a winner of regional competitions. But recently, the girl has become very tired, training was difficult. Then problems arose with health and colds and diseases became very frequent. At the next examination, the doctor heard a heart murmur. Then everything is in a fog. Examination, cardiograms, ultrasound and sentence. Heart disease. Atrial septal defect. We need an urgent operation to eliminate it.

Now Kalina can’t do swimming. Now she is waiting for her operation and the disease will recede and she will again be able to live a full life. The family does not have the opportunity to save the heart of their daughter and that is why they turn to all those who care to help Kalina.

Even your one UAH is salvation for a girl!


Name: Chura Kalyna, 28.05.2008

City: Lviv

Diagnosis: atrial septal defect

ID: 5676
Charity donation
30.12.2019 16:29
1402.16 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2019 16:27
173.12 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2019 15:34
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2019 14:26
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2019 13:26
50.00 UAH
All donors

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