Gabrus Stanislav's heart is saved

During pregnancy, the future mother was warned about the terrible diagnosis of her child's heart defect, Tetrad Fallot. The first operation that saved Stasik's life was performed in 2015 at the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. All these years, the boy has been undergoing examinations at his place of residence and at the Amosov Institute.

Despite the heart defect, he is a cheerful and cheerful kid. Stasik graduated from the first grade, is a very good student and has many friends. The family is very proud of their clever boy!

Once, after another examination, the boy and his mother were sent to the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery in Kyiv. Here, qualified doctors told him the terrible news: Stanislav had pulmonary insufficiency after the Fallot Tetrad, and surgery was necessary, and the operation had to be done now. The heart defect is very dangerous, and it was scary to even think about the terrible consequences.

On 15 September 2023, a complicated operation was performed by the Amosov Institute specialists, and now Stanislav is feeling great!

We believe in him and wish him and his family great happiness and health!

Together we are strong! We thank everyone who saves children!

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