Save the Mykhalchenko Daniil's heart
Save the Mykhalchenko Daniil's heart

Save the Mykhalchenko Daniil's heart

The project is carried by
Started: 22.05.2018
Sumy region
Totally raised
58785.0 UAH
Total goal
58785.00 UAH

This is Daniil, he is 14 years old. He was born a healthy child, but all this time he often suffered from cold virus diseases. The reason that provokes them was unexpected and shocking: congenital heart disease, a defect of the interatrial septum. In time the undetected defect led to long overloads on the sick heart and loss of precious time, which now must be quickly overtaken!

If the defect is not eliminated, there is a big risk of increasing the opening of the membrane. The operation must be done within a month: this was the verdict of the doctors. They advise closing the heart defect with a heart implant – occluder. However, its price – 98 975 UAH – was unaffordable for the mother of the boy, who independently brings up his son. A woman works as an accountant in a school and receives a small salary, which is barely enough to live.

Dania is a very calm, kind and polite boy. He has a kind, sympathetic, but sick heart. In the future, he dreams of becoming a machinist, from childhood he interested in trains. But for the realization of a dream, he must have good physical strength, and in his condition this is impossible. Since the family and friends found out about Dania's illness, they began to raise funds, so they managed to get 40 000 UAH, but this is not enough.

Help Dania! Let his heart be not only sensitive but also healthy!


Name: Mykhailenko Daniil, 27.03.2003

City: Basivka village, Sumy region

Diagnosis: congenital heart disease – atrial septal defect

ID: 4070
Charity donation
01.07.2018 23:44
0.14 UAH
01.07.2018 22:06
3784.00 UAH
Аксинья Бурлака
01.07.2018 21:30
5.09 UAH
Олександр Замурняк
01.07.2018 21:25
91.73 UAH
Charity donation
01.07.2018 21:06
1019.61 UAH
All donors

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