Save the heart of Nechipoorenko Sasha
Save the heart of Nechipoorenko Sasha

Save the heart of Nechipoorenko Sasha

The project is carried by
Started: 12.07.2018
Kyiv region
Totally raised
66110.0 UAH
Total goal
66110.00 UAH

The four-year-old Sasha urgently needs an operation on heart! He has an innate heart disease - an open arterial duct. Sashа requires an intracardiac implant (occluder) with the help of which the heart of the boy will be completely healthy. But the sum of 78110.00 UAH is impracticable amount for the lone mother. Let's help four-year-old Sasha together!!!

The chiid catches cold very often, even after treatment. The boy coughs constantly. The family found out the problem incidentally. Constant diseases of the child forced Sasha's mother to bring him for the examination in Kiev Amosova Institute. After a thorough examination the doctors confirmed the diagnosis and reported that unfortunately, without surgical intervention, the defect will no longer be closed, but will only increase. In the future it can lead to cardiac insufficiency.

The family of Nenechyporenko are settlers from the Crimea. They don't have their own house. They moved to the Poltava region and they have to rent a house there. The mother raises Sasha on her own. Since she has the status of the lone mother she receives monthly assistance from the state in the amount of 300 grn. She also works as a cashier in the store and her salary is only 5100 UAH. It is simply impossible to buy an intracardiac implant for such a salary. With the help of family's acquaintances she managed to raise 12000 UAH. But it is unreal for her to collect the rest of the sum by her own. Therefore she is also appealing to all non-indifferent people, asking to help her save the heart of her only and beloved son. Sasha is a cheerful and smart boy. He likes to play with his friends, he wants to do sports. But it is forbidden because of the state of the health. Sasha dreams a lot very about attending sports club. Let's help Sasha's dream come true together!!!

We fundraise 66 110 UAH at

Within the charity event "Small Hearts of Panna Pasticceria", organized by Panna Pasticceria, also funds will raise for the occluder for Sasha. This event is an opportunity to tell people about children's problems. A very large number of children are born with heart disease, but this does not mean that their life cannot be saved today. Thanks to experienced surgeons, endovascular treatment of heart defects can make a baby happy and healthy. The Panna Pasticceria team invites all their visitors to take part in charity breakfasts in Panna Pasticceria and to save the children's hearts together.

Name (recipient): Nechipoorenko Alexander Yakubovich

Date of Birth: January 31, 2014

Diagnosis: congenital heart failure - open arterial duct.

ID: 4212
20.07.2018 14:01
0.56 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2018 13:51
135.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2018 12:36
502.04 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2018 12:31
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2018 12:31
510.08 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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