Save Angelina's heart!
Save Angelina's heart!

Save Angelina's heart!

The project is carried by
Started: 14.09.2016
Zhytomir region
Totally raised
28831.0 UAH
Total goal
28831.00 UAH

Angelina urgently needed intracardiac implant (spiral) through which girls will have healthy heart. But for large family value with 104 967 UAH - is unaffordable. Family already collect 40 000 UAH. But the rest is 64 967 UAH. Without your help as they either do not collect. Let's help Angelina have a healthy heart!

My first pregnancy brought me pain, my boy died due to negligence of doctors. I suffered a very difficult loss of his son. Three months pass and a miracle happened, I became pregnant again. I was told that I will have a daughter, I was very happy. Nine months later I gave birth to my daughter Angelica to my husband it was a great joy. On the third day in the hospital, doctors heard a noise in the heart of the child and directed us to Zhytomyr, then after the survey we sent to Kyiv, where doctors confirmed the diagnosis: ventricular septal defect Perimembrioznyy.

After doctors confirmed the diagnosis, it brought me back pain. But we did not give up and do our best, consulted with doctors examined again and again. Each time the survey so we wanted husband to hear from the doctors is good news, but the diagnosis remains. Now Anzhelintsi six years old, she went to the first class, and we are very worried for her condition. It has a very positive kid, cheerful, helps to watch and care for younger children. Angelica wants when he grows up to become a doctor to help people. Doctors recommend urgently do the operation that was not too late. We as parents are very worried about her daughter and want her to be healthy. To make the deal need money, and big money, as oklyuder is very expensive.

We set a goal that we need money for surgery. My husband had the opportunity to go abroad and make money, but unfortunately this work is temporary. We managed to gather a large amount for us 40 000.00, but really this amount is not enough. Currently I am in the decree, we are still the youngest daughter of Emmanuel, which is 3 years old and the youngest, Daniel, who only two months. I ask all caring people to help in this situation and give our daughter chance at a full life!

May God bless you for your help!


Name: AngelinaPasechnik, 09/02/2010 Born

City: Zhytomir region

Diagnosis: Congenital defect heart- perymembranoznyy defect interventricular septum.

ID: 2514
12.10.2016 12:26
150.00 UAH
12.10.2016 12:17
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2016 12:00
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2016 11:22
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2016 10:32
50.00 UAH
All donors

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