To save the father. Stage 2
To save the father. Stage 2

To save the father. Stage 2

The project is carried by
Started: 04.09.2015
Totally raised
68500.0 UAH
Total goal
68500.00 UAH

Borys' son Mykyta is 11. The boy grew up very early – when he was 6, his mother died, and the last year he hardly leaves the house. It is impossible, because his father Borys was paralyzed. And now he has become his hands and legs. He learnt to cook and feed his father with a spoon. He cleans the apartment by himself – without reminders, and studies better at school. His day begins at 6 am – his father needs water and his diapers to be changed. Thanks to UBB donors the incredible thing happened – Boris stood up! But now he has to move forward for the sake of his son, but he wouldn't do it without our help!

Borys' son Mykyta is 11. The boy grew up very early – when he was 6, his mother died, and the last year he hardly leaves the house. It is impossible, because his father Borys was paralyzed. And now he has become his hands and legs. He learnt to cook and feed his father with a spoon. He cleans the apartment by himself – without reminders, and studies better at school. His day begins at 6 am – his father needs water and his diapers to be changed. Thanks to UBB donors the incredible thing happened – Boris stood up! But now he has to move forward for the sake of his son, but he wouldn't do it without our help!

It happened one evening when Borys returned home. At the entrance he suddenly took away his legs. The man fell down. He could not move, only half an hour he found neighbors. At the hospital, it was found out that the man suffered five cervical vertebrae. They squeezed his nerves, and now six months he is chained to the bed. For the 11-year-old son, the father began to climb, but aggravated kidney disease - because of the stones in them was accumulated pus, and this makes it impossible to physical rehabilitation.

Before the fall of the ill-fated father with his son every weekend went on nature. Mykyta loved fishing with his father and collect mushrooms, and even now dreams about it. However, his greatest desire is to raise the father and put on his feet, because now it is actually holding it. They still have old grandmother, but she could not help them, and the thought of it becomes very painful. It is understood that Mykyta is almost no childhood, because he grew up so early in his so young survived so much grief. However, the boy diligently at school, very docile and even at night checks as there father is feeling.

But there is something depressing and disturbing recovery: Borys and his son live in the apartment, he and his late wife took credit. For seven months, accumulating 30-thousand dollar debt. If it is not paid, they could be evicted onto the street. A sell an apartment he can not, because they have nowhere to live, and apartment prices are now wrong. And Borys is to recover, should not only for himself, but to his son was the future, so it does not become an orphan.

Doctors give very great chance that Borys can walk. This requires surgery on the kidneys, and then - month rehabilitation course. Little Mykyta asks for the support of all who can help his father. He did not hope in anyone, except of those who care. Help the family, help fulfill the dream of 11-year-old boy - to save his father!

Name: Borys A. Zeytounian, born 06.04.1967

Location: Kyiv

Diagnosis: №1.SKH. Stone w/3 right ureter. Stones of both kidneys. Acute suppurative obstructive pyelonephritis. Bakteriemicheskogo shock. №.2.3HSMT (contusion of the spinal cord at the level of C-5S6 vertebrae, a condition after kroporosinteza Th1-3 from 11.04.14). The interim period, Fr-B in the form of deep mixed tetraparesis sensory disorders, disorders of the pelvic organs of the central type

ID: 1709
Charity donation
29.09.2015 10:56
12393.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.09.2015 09:28
25.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.09.2015 23:26
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.09.2015 23:04
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.09.2015 22:56
50.00 UAH
All donors

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