Sasha will be able to walk despite the diagnosis. 3
Sasha will be able to walk despite the diagnosis. 3

Sasha will be able to walk despite the diagnosis. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 12.12.2023
Donetsk region
Totally raised
35000.0 UAH
Total goal
35000.00 UAH

Despite the situation in the country, Sashko and his family are constantly moving forward, he cannot stop treatment. After all, children like Sasha constantly need exercises.

The boy is 6 years old, he loves picture books, he can spend hours looking at what is drawn there, asking what is written. He has already learned several verses! Mom is happy with her son's success: "In our free time, as long as the weather is good, Sasha and I go to the local park and feed the ducks. Sashko himself says: let's take bread, feed the ducks! So we are charged with positive emotions. At home, I make souvenir soap and scented candles, now I have a little helper. Sashko selects scents for candles and colors for soap. And we also help the military little by little, we make trench candles".

When we met this family, the boy was not even three years old, and he did not know a lot, due to a congenital diagnosis, but even then he was very persistent and diligent. However, no matter how hard he tries to follow all the recommendations and exercises at home, Sasha desperately needs work with professional rehabilitators.

"Since there are no such rehabilitation centers in the city, we try to go for treatment every 2-3 months. But at home we also constantly work to consolidate the acquired skills, Sasha’s sister, whom he adores so much, helps me with this!".

The mother raises the children by herself, she cannot go to work full time, due to the fact that the child's condition requires constant supervision and care. Therefore, the family's income is very small, and the cost of rehabilitation treatment is too high. Please help them!

Full name: Blokha Oleksandr, 13.10.2017
City: Donetsk region, Pokrovsk
Diagnosis: congenital brain defect, hypogenesis of the corpus callosum with tetraparesis
ID: 9146
Charity donation
06.02.2024 14:12
13120.00 UAH
Luckfart Янютін
04.02.2024 21:00
80.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.01.2024 16:38
100.00 UAH
Сім'я Качур
23.01.2024 16:43
100.00 UAH
Сергій Ярош
22.01.2024 23:44
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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