Project has been implemented with balance of funds

Dear donors! According to the information provided by the Operator of Help, there is a balance of unused funds in the amount of UAH 1 063 200 during the project implementation. The final financial report for the funds will be provided additionally. You can find the letter from the Operator of Help in the Documentation section. According to the letter, within the framework of the project implementation, from 19/06/2023 to 01/11/2023, 56 consultations were provided by, namely

in the period from 19/06/2023 to 22/09/2023, 35 consultations were provided for a total amount of UAH 42 000.
in the period from 22/09/2023 to 01/11/2023, additional 21 consultations were provided for the amount of UAH 25 200.
The total amount of expenditures as of 01.11.2023 is UAH 67 200.

In October 2023, 5 women sought help, including 4 women who had experienced or witnessed sexual violence by the russian military. According to psychologists' recommendations, 3 women need additional 10 sessions. One woman who started receiving assistance in June 2023 (a difficult case) continues therapy.

As of November 01, 2023, 5 women are being counseled under the project, with an estimated end date of counseling by the end of December 2023. The amount required to provide a full cycle of recommended assistance to women currently receiving counseling is UAH 69 600.

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