With Leleka foundation
With Leleka foundation

With Leleka foundation

Started: 07.10.2022
Totally raised
720100.0 UAH
Total goal
720100.00 UAH

My name is Svitlana Panaiotidi, I am the ex-Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine. Never in my life have I wanted to raise so much money as now. This is our war, and only we can win it.

This fundraiser is for warriors. This is what, unfortunately, is needed all the time, in addition to weapons. This is tactical medicine. As always – any amount counts. But when you think about helping, know:

$20 is a specialized Ready Heat hypothermia relief blanket,

$25 is a CAT tourniquet to stop critical bleeding,

$30 is a QuikClot Combat Gauze hemostatic bandage for wound tamponade,

$40 is a set of 4 Burntec hydrogel anti-burn wipes,

$55 is the SAM Pelvic Sling for pelvic immobilization,

$90 is an IPOK (individual patrol officer kit) – a basic set of means to stop the bleeding,

$150 is an IFAK (individual first aid kit) – a first aid kit,

$180 is an empty Tasmanian Tiger Assault Medic Pack II,

$300 is the SAM Junctional Tourniquet for stopping bleeding in femoral artery injury,

$600 is a Talon II folding frame stretcher for carrying casualties,

$1,000 is the basic, fully stocked Blackhawk Special Operations Medical Pack,

$10,000 is a pre-owned four-wheel drive vehicle for medical evacuation of the injured.

I am grateful to everyone. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

ID: 8320
Charity donation
16.10.2022 23:53
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.10.2022 19:57
6600.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.10.2022 10:23
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.10.2022 06:52
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.10.2022 00:26
200.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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