Take the test – help to save a child's heart
Take the test – help to save a child's heart

Take the test – help to save a child's heart

The project is carried by
Started: 10.03.2020
Totally raised
50.00 UAH
Total goal
50.00 UAH

His forehead sweating profusely, and barely gets to drag his feet. 9-year-old Sasha Moszkowski, who until recently loved to chase the ball with friends in the yard, often returned home exhausted.

His forehead sweating profusely, and barely gets to drag his feet. 9-year-old Sasha Moszkowski, who until recently loved to chase the ball with friends in the yard, often returned home exhausted. And the reason is congenital and deadly heart disease, which, to the deterioration of health no one knows.
Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage and atrial septal defect is the so sound of his diagnoses. Their sachet is mounted at the Institute of cardiovascular surgery them. Amosova, where he brought for examination from Zhitomir. Two of the four veins leaving the lungs, the child connected one, they don't lead to the left atrium as it should be, and are mixed with venous blood. The body is not getting oxygen, internal organs suffer. Doctors shocked by mom: need a transplant, or die.
Sasha is one of 4500 Ukrainian, annually are born with heart defects. 30% of them are discharged from the hospital and not by diagnosing the disease. And he is lucky to live to 9 years, because half of the children with those undiagnosed but critical, flaws will be killed.
National Institute of cardiovascular surgery them. Amosov - the largest in Ukraine specialized institution, where save the children's hearts. They give birth to babies with critical heart defects, although on the periphery of doctors strongly "suggest" expectant mothers, pregnancy is interrupted, and cardiac surgeons undertake for the salvation of those who syndrome hypoplastic left heart, or half of the body. During the year the Institute performs seven operations. The case-fatality rate - at the level of the best European clinics: 1,5-2%.
But, unfortunately, this important institution from year to year critically under-funded. Money is not even enough for basic supplies for operations and medicines. Expensive modern equipment is not necessary, its acquisition, as well as other specified, increasingly falls on the shoulders of philanthropists.
Today probably the most pressing issue, the lack of the oxygenator. Is a device which saturates the blood with oxygen, that is working instead of lungs at a time when the heart stops and the patient connected to the extracorporeal circulation. Some of the oxygenator is simply impossible to operate. But the problem is the fact that it is disposable, what more children need to operate, the more these devices need.
For several years the charity Fund "Your support" with the assistance of partners provides operations to children from large or poor families and orphans such oxygenators. Sasha, who brings only one mother, is no exception.When, immediately after the diagnosis is established, the question arises of surgical intervention - the child receives the necessary set of consumables, including “artificial lungs”. He is being taken to the operating room.
Long 6:00, heart surgeons repair the heart and place the vessels in their places. To better circulate blood, even an implant is installed. When, after the successful completion of the intervention, the doctors go out to say this to mom, she almost faints out of joy. Her Sasha is to live! Incidentally, he is already at home.
And it is very important that all other children, whose hearts have flaws, get such a chance. That’s why “Your Reliance”, the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace and Sinevo Medical Laboratory decided to implement a joint project, “Hand over the analysis - help save the heart of a child.” In the course of it, all the profits from lipid tests - these are such organic substances in each of us - should be sent to Sinevo for the purchase of an oxygenator for young patients by the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after Amosova. The plans to collect 2 million hryvnia. With these funds, we can save 150 children with heart disease.
This project is a great opportunity to take care of your health by checking the level of lipids, and at the same time help children fix their hearts.
And although we do not lose faith in the fact that once the state will defend them, now they have no one to rely on besides us.

ID: 5910
Charity donation
10.03.2020 15:46
50.00 UAH
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