To overcome cerebral palsy. Stage 2
To overcome cerebral palsy. Stage 2

To overcome cerebral palsy. Stage 2

The project is carried by
Started: 09.02.2016
Poltava region
Totally raised
7890.0 UAH
Total goal
7890.00 UAH

Valery was born a healthy boy, but because of the doctor’s negligence, who ignored elevated bilirubin content and the result was critical it became maximum - 420 units within 4 days. It has caused severe cramping and cerebral haemorrhage. Now he suffers from cerebral palsy, hyperkinetic form. Despite the ordeal Valeriy is visiting school, he has been enrolled in the regular program. Every day he overcomes difficulties, pain, goggles. He believes in himself!

From the very birth a loving family strongly believes that their son will be healthy. Ongoing rehabilitation is yielding the results, now Valery can indepedently stand up to 9 seconds, he restrains hyperkinesis (involuntary movements) better, he can use his right hand better and it is noticeable at the lesson of drawing. Valeriy is strong in spirit, he is a kind, sensitive boy who is fighting for healthy life every minute.

The Charity Fund "Nova Hvilya-3000" and loving parents are addressing to you to help raise funds for the next rehabilitation course in the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets.
Help Valeriy overcome cerebral palsy, and make Valeriy’s own dream come true. To come to school on the 1st September on his own!


Name: Valeriy V. Povzun, born 26.09.2006

Location: Poltava region

Diagnosis: G80.3 Cerebral palsy: dyskinetychna form in the stage of crawling on their bellies in the next phase of rising support. The movement disorder III level classification GMFCS. Functions of hands IV classification MACS

ID: 1982
Charity donation
03.03.2016 20:09
599.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2016 19:58
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2016 19:41
7.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2016 19:03
50.00 UAH
Татьяна Гайдаренко
03.03.2016 18:55
10.00 UAH
All donors

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