Life with an uncertain diagnosis
Life with an uncertain diagnosis

Life with an uncertain diagnosis

The project is carried by
Started: 04.07.2024
Rivne region
Still needed
35800.00 UAH
Total goal
35800.00 UAH

Ruslan was always a cheerful boy, but his life became a difficult struggle from childhood. At the age of three, the parents began to notice that the child had problems with walking, he could not move like all other children, and noticed that the child could not run at all. The parents consulted many different doctors, who diagnosed SMA type 3, but after additional detailed tests, the diagnosis was not confirmed. It was a very difficult period for the family, as each new analysis brought hope, which then disappeared again. Despite the uncertainty, Ruslan's parents do not stop fighting for his health.

Although the disease continues to progress, Ruslan does not lose hope for recovery. He sincerely believes that his dreams will come true and devotes himself to his favorite activities – reading books and drawing. It helps him forget about physical pain and limitations for a while. Despite all the difficulties, Ruslan remains an optimist and finds the strength to smile every day. Books help him immerse himself in the world of fantasy and forget about his illness for a while.

Therefore, in order to find out the exact diagnosis, it is necessary to do an expensive genetic analysis, for which the parents currently do not have the funds. Such an analysis can become the key to the right treatment, which will change the boy's life for the better. Now every hryvnia is important for his future. Without your help, it will be difficult for Ruslan's family to cope with this challenge. Your support can give him a chance for a healthy and happy life.

Join us and help get an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible to start effective treatment and stop the progression of the disease. Together, we will be able to help Ruslan get the necessary analysis and start the right treatment so that he can return to an active and joyful life. Your generous support is essential to his success and recovery. Each of your contributions is a step towards a great goal, it is help in realizing Ruslan's dreams. Let's join forces so that Ruslan has a chance for a bright future.

Full name: Ruslan Yusenko, 23.05.2005
City: Postiyne village, Rivne region
Diagnosis: muscular dystrophy G71.0. Spinal amyotrophy type 3 of Kuhlenberg-Wallender
ID: 9506
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