Zlata Strives to Move Forward
Zlata Strives to Move Forward

Zlata Strives to Move Forward

The project is carried by
Started: 19.11.2024
Totally raised
36000.0 UAH
Total goal
36000.00 UAH

Zlata is an 8-year-old girl with great willpower and a dream of recovery. At the age of 3.5 months, she started having seizures. These were attacks every day. Terrible diagnoses: symptomatic epilepsy, an atypical form of Rett syndrome, and developmental support deprived Zlata of many ordinary skills. She stopped responding to the environment and lost the ability to develop like other children.

One of the most effective methods for Zlata was rehabilitation at the "Sprout of Life" center. Thanks to complex classes: massage, physiotherapy, hippotherapy, kinesiology – Zlata was able to hold her head, learned to sit and kneel. These are small steps, but it means the whole world to her. Hippotherapy not only socializes Zlata, but also strengthens her muscles, which contributes to the development of physical strength and coordination. Currently, the girl does not walk or talk.

Zlata has a long way to physical independence ahead, but without support, this road becomes much more difficult. Classes that help her develop and achieve new goals require significant funds. We will help continue Zlata's rehabilitation at the "Sprout of Life" center. Any support will bring her closer to her dream – to an independent and happy life.

Full name: Solianyk Zlata Andriivna, 21.11.2015
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: Symptomatic epilepsy, atypical form of Rett syndrome, developmental delay
ID: 9802
Charity donation
26.11.2024 05:37
9090.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.11.2024 21:09
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.11.2024 14:25
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.11.2024 09:45
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.11.2024 09:17
500.00 UAH
All donors

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