Make a miracle happen – warm a child!
Make a miracle happen – warm a child!

Make a miracle happen – warm a child!

The project is carried by
Started: 18.12.2019
Totally raised
69255.0 UAH
Total goal
69255.00 UAH

Christmas is just around the corner. The city is filled with fragrants of the holiday, which is about to look into warm and cozy homes. But at the same moment, thousands of children are fighting for their lives. Nearly 4 000 children with congenital heart defects are born annually in Ukraine. Half of them require surgery in the first year of life. During such operations newborns may experience hypothermia which is a very threatening condition. This is a body temperature decrease that can reach critical figures, even less than 32°C, since neonates have immature thermoregulation mechanisms, and without adequate thermal protection they cool rather quickly. Hypothermia in such small patients triggers a number of pathological processes, which significantly complicate the recovery process.

Christmas is just around the corner. The city is filled with fragrants of the holiday, which is about to look into warm and cozy homes. But at the same moment, thousands of children are fighting for their lives. Nearly 4 000 children with congenital heart defects are born annually in Ukraine. Half of them require surgery in the first year of life. During such operations newborns may experience hypothermia which is a very threatening condition. This is a body temperature decrease that can reach critical figures, even less than 32°C, since neonates have immature thermoregulation mechanisms, and without adequate thermal protection they cool rather quickly. Hypothermia in such small patients triggers a number of pathological processes, which significantly complicate the recovery process. 

That is why using active heating systems in operating room and intensive care units enables to prevent hypothermia quickly and effectively, improving treatment outcomes.

An up-to-date patient heating system Bair Hugger 775 will help to prevent unintentional PERIOPERATIVE hypothermia and the related complications in pediatric patients. To purchase the system we need to raise 157 255 UAH. That is why the International Charity Foundation “Child’s Heart” is organizing a family holiday "Impulse of Christmas" aimed at raising funds to purchase the necessary equipment for the Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The Center is a leading medical institution in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the only highly specialized clinic of Ukraine which performs correction of complicated congenital heart defects for patients of any age.

Let us listen together to the voice of our empathic hearts and present small patients with warmth and a chance to recover with the help of a state-of-the-art heating system!

ID: 5707
Charity donation
26.12.2019 16:00
2113.07 UAH
Charity donation
26.12.2019 15:38
2400.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.12.2019 02:03
30.55 UAH
25.12.2019 22:34
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.12.2019 15:17
152.75 UAH
All donors

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