Understand me, mom!
Understand me, mom!

Understand me, mom!

The project is carried by
Started: 11.03.2019
Totally raised
18500.0 UAH
Total goal
18500.00 UAH

Ruslan was born as a real strong man: almost a five-kilogram, healthy, strong baby. The happiness of the family was limitless. But not for long... In the maternity hospital, strange bubbles began to appear on the skin of the newborn. Doctors explained this as a henchman, and they hurried to discharge the kid home. At home, the bubbles began to burst, exposing the bloody patches on the tender skin of the baby, the child began to choke. Ruslan was urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the infection ward.

There were already children from the same maternity hospital. All of them were infected with staphylococci. Doctors did not give Ruslan any guarantees for life. Because of the sepsis of blood, the newborn was given double blood transfusions. For 15 days, the boy was on a ventilator due to staphylococcal pneumonia. Under general anesthesia, a spinal cord puncture was taken and a subclavian catheter was installed, through which the infant received countless medications. From the affected areas of the body, the skin was going away, almost up to necrosis.

Ruslan won his battle for life, but the central nervous system was affected. The boy did not sleep well, was nervous and naughty, constantly throwing his head back up. Ultrasound scans confirmed changes in the structure of the brain as a result of the infection. For recovery, Ruslan has been prescribed with medication for all his life. When the baby turned 10 months old, the war came to his native Donetsk and mother was forced with her two children to leave her home. Due to housing and material problems, the treatment of Ruslan was temporarily stopped. Until during the registration into kindergarten, the doctor did not suspect autism.

The boy did not understand the addressed speech, did not respond to the name, did not communicate, played monotonous games, did not speak. After several rehabilitation courses, remarkable results were obtained. Ruslan began to react on speech and repeat sounds, syllables, words, began to react to what was happening, became more independent and organized. For further development of the child the rehabilitation is needed; it is very important not to miss the moment of brain plasticity and to prepare the child for school. Unfortunately, the family does not have enough money for treatment, all funds are spent on rent of apartment, utilities, and children, the mother brings up and raises them alone.

We ask those who are not indifferent, to help Ruslan to undergo another course of treatment and give the child a chance for a full healthy life!


Name: Rogatynskyi Ruslan, 30.06.2013

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: underdevelopment of the psyche and speech organically residual genesis, dysarthria, dyslexia

ID: 4902
Charity donation
12.06.2019 18:21
1231.72 UAH
Sergey Petronetskiy
12.06.2019 14:35
101.92 UAH
12.06.2019 14:14
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2019 10:21
53.99 UAH
Charity donation
11.06.2019 23:14
30.57 UAH
All donors

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