Free the princess from the evil spell! 5
Free the princess from the evil spell! 5

Free the princess from the evil spell! 5

The project is carried by
Started: 14.06.2019
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
23000.0 UAH
Total goal
23000.00 UAH

Hello everybody! Who does not know me, I am a bewitched princess Nastya! I am already 5 years old. Everything that I have been doing all these 5 years – try to remove the spell from my legs. My dear helpers and true friends help me in this. Due to them I had a chance to visit magic country. In this country real fairies and wizards work, they know how to remove the spell, but it takes time. While being in this country, everyday I learn new things, become stronger and stronger, and step by step we are removing spell from my little legs. I believe that we will be able to remove spell completely, but for this I really need your help and support.

My dear helpers, you always supported me, and this time I ask for your invaluable help to go to this magical country again. My mother says that the world is full of good people! And I believe in it. Though I am small, I already understand a lot. And I understand that I cannot cope without you, I just need your help.
To make everything happen we must always move forward!

My dear, good wizards, please help me to become a full-fledged child! I really want to walk! I believe that my fairy tale is not over yet and it must have a happy ending!".

Dear UBB donors, in a year Nastia will go to school. She doesn’t have much time to recover until that time and to walk to the first grade on her own. You have already supported this child more than once and we see very good rehabilitation results. The girl believes that she will become the same as all the kids, so she tries very hard to do all the exercises and prescriptions. Support child's faith. Let the tale be good!


Name: Atamanenko Anastasia, 20.11.2013

City: Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, diplegic form with a steady pair of paresis with impaired support movement, mental retardation

ID: 5189
Charity donation
27.09.2019 16:17
189.74 UAH
Charity donation
27.09.2019 16:13
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.09.2019 12:43
203.67 UAH
Charity donation
27.09.2019 12:15
1325.50 UAH
Василь Кульчицький
26.09.2019 22:09
101.96 UAH
All donors

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