This is a charity project of the Ukraine OMGagency first community agency to raise funds for 24 mechanical ventilators in each region of Ukraine, in the framework of which a large star online concert will be held.  Our mission – we bring together caring people from all over the country to help people who are ill with coronavirus to breathe easily. It’s hard for all of us to breathe now. From quarantine, from the situation in the country, from powerlessness and the feeling that we cannot change anything. It is difficult to breathe throughout the country.

Coronavirus takes away the most important thing from us – air. But we can change that. If the hospitals have enough mechanical ventilation devices, we will save the lives of many people. Therefore, we are announcing a fundraiser!

Our goal is to collect 18 million UAH for 24 artificial ventilation devices. As part of the project, we will organize a large star online concert! So that each person does not lose faith and mood and feels part of a large family in which everyone wants to help each other.

Fundraising will take place as part of the main project.

ID: 5984
Charity donation
28.05.2020 20:01
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
27.05.2020 16:38
3.05 UAH
Charity donation
26.05.2020 00:03
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
25.05.2020 00:11
20.37 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2020 19:36
51.01 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!
