As always, Kurazh will combine everything we love: long-awaited hugs with everyone you haven't seen in a while, a handpicked flea market, music, important conversations and great good deeds, which are very easy to do at Kurazh.

In the 2024 season, Kurazh will donate a part of the profits from the event, as well as charitable contributions from participants and visitors, to the Superhumans Centre. 

The Superhumans Centre is an all-Ukrainian modern centre for prosthetics, reconstructive surgery, rehabilitation and psychological support for war victims. The Superhumans Centre has many patients in need of prosthetics.  

We are raising funds for facial reconstruction surgeries for war-affected Ukrainians at the Superhumans Centre.

How can you join the collection?

Attend the event, donate to this fundraiser or take part in charity activities at the event!

By supporting this fundraiser with any amount, you are saving Ukrainians from the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the war and helping our defenders to bring the victory closer.

ID: 9423
27.06.2024 17:41
70.01 UAH
14.06.2024 18:50
2100.00 UAH
14.06.2024 18:38
406908.00 UAH
12.06.2024 11:32
11100.52 UAH
03.06.2024 18:12
34340.00 UAH
All donors

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!
