Modern technology in charity is a reality! From December 11 to December 25, Tachcard Company and the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace implement a joint New Year campaign, which implements children's dreams. Try something new in charity! It is not only easy to help, but also innovative! We made convenient and fast implementation of charitable contributions to the New Year's projects of UBB through Tachcard's QR code. Everyone can try it now. Scan your QR code with your smartphone's camera and become a benefactor! Bring your friends simply - just print out a charitable QR code and post it anywhere or share it on social networks.

Tachcard Company has already made the first payment. And at the end of the charity event, the company will additionally transfer UAH 5 for each transaction from the first 500. The attracted charitable funds, in accordance with the decision of the UBB, will be directed to support New Year's projects published in the section "New Year's Wonders".

ID: 3625
28.12.2017 14:00
0.40 UAH
28.12.2017 13:56
23.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.12.2017 13:40
100.00 UAH
Ольга Фиберг
27.12.2017 12:49
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2017 20:52
101.92 UAH
All donors

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Thank you for your support!

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