02.12.2024 12:17
Redirecting funds from the reserve
dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors!
On 02.12.2024, from the reserve ‘Odesa region. Help for Children with Heart Diseases’ was redirected UAH 349 763.41 to the project ’Children's Hope: Help for Odesa Regional Hospital. Cardiac Sur…
02.12.2024 12:10
Redirecting funds to the reserve
dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors!
On 02.12.2024, to the reserve ‘Odesa region. Helping children with heart disease’ was redirected UAH 338 009.41 from the reserve
‘All Ukraine. Helping children with heart disease.’
17.07.2024 11:23
Передано обладнання до Одеської ОДКЛ
dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to inform you that on 27 June 2024, 4 pieces of medical furniture (trolleys) were transferred to the Cardiovascular Surgery Department with the Intensive Care Unit of the Odesa Regional …
20.05.2024 16:26
Redirection of funds from the reserve
dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! 20.05.2024 UAH 338 610,00 was redirected from the reserve of the "Odessa Region. Helping to Children with Heart Diseases" to the project "Children's hope: help to the Odessa regional hospital. …
20.05.2024 16:22
Перенаправлення коштів у скарбничку
Шановні донори! 20.05.2024 року у Скарбничку "Одеський регіон. Допомога дітям з хворобами серця" було перенаправлено 311 488,99 грн зі Скарбнички «Вся Україна. Допомога дітям з хворобами серця»
Charity donation
17.01.2025 20:32
267.00 UAH |
Charity donation
10.01.2025 15:05
325.00 UAH |
Charity donation
31.12.2024 23:16
246.00 UAH |
Charity donation
27.12.2024 18:26
612.00 UAH |
Charity donation
13.12.2024 11:31
216.00 UAH |