The victory in a hug.Dacha Center is 10 years old! And we would like to celebrate this anniversary in your hugs. We launch a #hugtowin flashmob — your participation in it will be a happy birthday greetings. Each of you has a person who has fought and has won.

One who has learned a language, has saved a life, has been perseverant in achievements, has inspired and has supported you personally! The scale of victory does not matter because the main thing is to win over circumstances.
We invite you to talk about such a person you know, to make a photo with him or her in a hug because hugging with the strong ones makes us stronger.
What should I do?
- a photo in the arms of your winner 
- one story of his or her victory on his or her page in social networks

Every willing participant of the flashmob makes a donation starting from 100 UAH to the construction of a New Dacha Center where children with cancer and their families are fighting for their lives every day.
With the money raised we will build our Dacha — a home for children with cancer from all over Ukraine.

Well, let's go hugging?


This project raises funds as part of the main project "Let’s build new Dacha together!"

ID: 5541
Charity donation
18.11.2019 13:03
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
17.11.2019 12:44
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.11.2019 08:51
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.11.2019 22:36
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.11.2019 00:02
254.90 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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