Projects shown: 4 з 4
Big Bah! Yulia Polutska
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Education and science
Big Bah! Yulia Polutska
Hello! I am Yulia Polutska. I have the honor to be one of the seven fundraisers of the Vidchuy organizat…
Big Bah! Iryna Spirova
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Education and science
Big Bah! Iryna Spirova
I'm Ira Spirova. A year ago, I became a little closer to the world of blind people, starting to work on …
Big Bah! Yevgeny Koshevoy
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Education and science
Big Bah! Yevgeny Koshevoy
I'm Yevgeny Koshevoy. I have long been friends with the "Feel" organization and now I support them in a …
Big Bah! Pyshni
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Education and science
Big Bah! Pyshni
We, Ludmila and Andriy Pyshni, are collecting funds to create a musical class at the "Feel" Center for h…