Reputation in charity

Reputation in charity

Bloggers and media personalities build their own brand, large companies build a brand of a brand or product, charities are also beginning to look in this direction, building their own brand and image of the organization.

“Basically, we think about reputation, when something happened and we need to work with the consequences. But it would be more effective to analyze possible reputation risks in advance, develop a strategy of action, than then apply super-efforts to extinguish the fire or try to restore the destroyed trust in the brand.

I believe that charities do not pay enough attention to their reputation and conscious brand building.

The reasons are different, but the main thing is that we do not yet have an established and generally accepted culture of charitable activity, cooperation and partnership, which would be based on understandable principles and standards, including ethical ones, ”comments on the issue of the reputation of charitable organizations, director of Irina Gutsal.