How much money to donate to charity to help effectively?

How much money to donate to charity to help effectively?

During the 5 months of the war, charity for Ukrainians has turned from an optional expense item into a real habit. For many, the same habit as brushing in the morning. And someone now donates even more often than brushes their teeth...

Ukrainians have already managed to raise funds for bayraktars, for pickups for the front, for drones, for berets for soldiers and thermal imagers. The war has rallied everyone from volunteers and businesses, who now donate part of their income to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to ordinary Ukrainians who transfer what they can every time they see a request for help in stories.

However, there are still those who refrain from making charitable contributions due to doubts. The main reasons are: "I don't have enough money to contribute", "my contribution won't change anything", "10 hryvnias are not important".

So let's figure out together how much money you need to donate to make it effective. There are several rules:

  1. Donate wisely. Check who you send money to. It should be a reputable charity platform, a foundation or someone you know.

  2. Allocate a specific monthly budget for charity. Unplanned emotional costs later cause stress, so for reasons of emotional safety, you need to have a limit on how much you can spend. It is better to know exactly how much you can spend 100, 500 or 1000 hryvnia per month.

  3. Sign up for regular payments for funds. The largest part of your charitable budget should be recurring subscriptions. It is they who allow the funds to plan their activities, the volume of assistance and purchases.Recurring payments are automatically charged, so no additional reminders are required.

  4. The rule is 10 hryvnia. Help in small amounts. It is much more effective to throw 10 hryvnias to different charitable foundations or initiatives 10 times than to transfer 100 hryvnias once and not support anyone else. The 10 hryvnia rule makes it possible to be involved in solving more problems, and such an amount can be affordable for absolutely every Ukrainian.

  5. Spread the word about foundations or charitable collections. If you have already donated 10 hryvnias for the collection, but you still feel that you have done too little, be sure to share information about the collection in a story or post. After all, even if one of your girlfriends transfers another 10 hryvnia, then this is already 10 hryvnia more than it was before.

You will not be able to save lives, help those in need and be effective if you give the last money from a bank card. But if you make small contributions often and support many funds or initiatives, then this will definitely bring us closer to victory every day. We live in a time of crisis, so we simply have to take care of the efficient use of our own funds.

Source: author's column by PR manager Bohdan Berdnyk for