We run against violence!
Marathon Run Ukraine autumn 2020
We run against violence!

We run against violence!

Event date: 31.10.2020 00:00
Sort 25.09.2020 15:13
1486.09 UAH
56100.00 UAH

During quarantine, the number of calls to domestic violence hotlines increased by 30-50%. Terrible? Certainly. Hopefully, the horrible statistics will draw attention to the problem, and society will finally become less tolerant of this phenomenon. In order to jointly provide comprehensive legal, social and psychological assistance to victims of domestic violence, 6 public organizations of Dnipro and our charitable foundation joined forces in the network of "Mrs. Patroness".

1,600 calls a day in March, compared with 1,100 on "violent" New Year's holidays: the number of calls to hotlines is outrageous. Mostly women and children suffer from domestic violence: a woman with a small child is particularly vulnerable to the abuser. Many public services deal with this issue, but, unfortunately, efficiency and focus on the needs of the victim is not their characteristic feature.

The main goal of our network is to create an emergency response system and provide comprehensive support to victims of domestic violence. We strive not only to provide temporary shelter and material support, but most importantly - to provide social, legal and psychological support to women and children, and for as long as necessary.

People call early in the morning and late in the evening. Now we are in dire need of a dispatcher and a lawyer, because after the hotline was opened, both of our human rights activists (namely their consultations are needed most often) got jobs for a full day.

We plan to collect UAH 56,100, which is the salary of a lawyer and a dispatcher for 3 months. So that our network works systematically and smoothly, so that the rescue of the drowning people does not become the work of the drowning people themselves, please support us!

ID: 76
Charity donation
30.10.2020 17:41
203.67 UAH
Charity donation
29.10.2020 17:47
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
09.10.2020 21:09
1027.49 UAH
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