Олексій Дзюба

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 6 from 6
Painless tests for toddlers
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Painless tests for toddlers
Jaundice (icterus) of newborns is the appearance of visible icteric staining of the skin, mucous membran…
Baby's life under control
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Baby's life under control
Every 15th baby in the country is born prematurely. Even babies born at term often cause their parents t…
Let's help Ruslana to master the dream profession
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Education and science
Let's help Ruslana to master the dream profession
Ruslan spent all his childhood in an orphanage. Immediately after graduation, the boy started working to…
Help students of the Babanka orphanage
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Education and science
Help students of the Babanka orphanage
Creating opportunities for vulnerable youth is very important. In practice, orphan graduates do not have…
Give digital future to children with SmileToFuture
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Education and science
Give digital future to children with SmileToFuture
We want to give children from boarding schools access to innovative education. Please help us with this,…
Judo for children from poor families
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Culture and sports
Judo for children from poor families
It would seem that attending sports clubs and extracurricular activities for children today is a common …