Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 36
Her sore heart needs medicine
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Her sore heart needs medicine
Halyna Alexandrovna is from family of engineers. Her father and mother worked at the Korets sugar factor…
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
The purpose of this Reserve fund is to accumulate funds for infrastructure development and statutory activity of the dobro.ua platform. We ask you to support our project, and thereby ensure the further functioning of the dobro.ua platform.
Help overcome the pain! 2
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Help overcome the pain! 2
In 2014, after the treatment, which had lasted a year and a half, and 18 sessions of chemotherapy, paren…
Maternal duty to live. 3
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Maternal duty to live. 3
Olya lives in a small town in the Zhytomyr region with less than 3.5 thousand inhabitants. Electricity s…
Put the boy on his feet. 3
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Put the boy on his feet. 3
The kid in the photo, Nikita. He was born in the set time frame and very well developed. When the boy wa…
Час йде проти мене!
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Час йде проти мене!
Oksana is the mother of 4 year old daughter and beloved wife. Until recently, all was well in her life, …
Zdorovenki buly
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Social help
Zdorovenki buly
When asked to tell about herself, Oleksandra Mikhailovna modestly and with a smile, as if she was immers…
Last hope. 2
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Last hope. 2
"God, let those who saved me be healthy." Every day, she prays for her assistant and asks God to thank s…