Antoshka tired of being helpless! 4
Antoshka tired of being helpless! 4

Antoshka tired of being helpless! 4

The project is carried by
Started: 03.03.2020
Totally raised
24380.0 UAH
Total goal
24380.00 UAH

Антону срочно нужна помощь! За сухими фактами стоит очень нелёгкая жизнь человека. Борьба с первых дней жизни на протяжение 16 лет. Лечение, реабилитаций, боли и надежды... Антон родился недоношенным. Путем кесарева сечения, и ещё, как следствие общего наркоза, у мальчика случилась асфиксия. Сначала врачи решили, что у недоношенного ребенка герпетическая инфекция, и назначили ему препарат "Зовиракс". 27 капельниц новорожденному ребенку с асфиксией не пошли на пользу. Наоборот, он начал непрестанно кричать, перестал кушать, спать и держать головку.  

Tests revealed that there is no herpes and he has immunity to this infection. However, it was too late. Anton’s mother was warned immediately that nothing would come out of this child and she was suggested to leave him because he will die in agony. Father deserted his family. But mother could not leave her child and started to search for specialists and various treatment methods. When the boy underwent classic treatment at the local neurology center, the diseases of the kidney, liver, and pancreas appeared. Then, the doctors refused to treat the boy until he won't take pills again.

Anton’s mother got a ray of hope when they went to Bersenev Medical Center and the real treatment with a visible result took place. After the first course, the child began to speak right by sentences! Gradually, blue and cold fists became warmer and softer. He began to sleep, to swallow. The warmth in his legs appeared. This treatment is vital for Anton, he mustn’t stop! The new course is soon and the mother can’t raise all the necessary funds on her own. She begs you for help!


Name: Olifirovych Anton, 14.03.2004

City: Vinnytsia

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, salvage tetraparesis, delayed psycho-speech development

ID: 5864
Charity donation
19.04.2020 01:23
0.26 UAH
Charity donation
18.04.2020 18:02
4399.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.04.2020 11:46
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
18.04.2020 00:24
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.04.2020 19:40
200.00 UAH
All donors

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